4 Ever Fit

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Fall Prevention and Balance Tips for Seniors - How do I get up if fall?-

As a person ages falling becomes more dangerous to their long-term health and wellbeing.  Throughout our lives we almost fall more times than we can remember.  The key to staying on our feet and prevent falling is our ability to catch ourselves when those unexpected stumbles occur. 

According to www.americanbonehealth.org

  • Every year, more than 30% of U.S. adults 65 and older fall. Falls are the leading cause of death in this age group.

  • Falls are the most common cause of non-fatal injuries and hospital admissions in people 65 and older. (In 2005, 1.8 million people were treated in hospital ERs for non-fatal falls.)

  • Most fractures among older adults are caused by falls.

  • The most common fractures involve the spine, hip, pelvis, arm, hand, leg, and ankle.

  • The rate of fall-related deaths among older adults has increased over the past decade.


At 4 Ever Fit we have been giving you exercises for fall prevention and balance, but today we are going to show you something that is equally as important.  How to get up safely when you fall.

Watch our video below to see how to get up when you fall.  The video will show 2 different ways to get up.

  1. If you fall and you are alone outside the house with nothing to help you get up

  2. If you fall and are at home and can get to a chair, ottoman, or bed.

Both these situations will be probably cause you to be scared and anxious. Before attempting to get up, slowly move your body to see if anything is seriously injured. If not, then proceed with getting yourself seated in a chair, couch, or bed. If you are in severe pain and have access to a phone or someone in your house please call for help before you move so you dont do any additional long term damage. Hopefully this will never happen.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer.
